Monday, March 30, 2009

Skin health in summer

baterial infection. Wearing lose cloth, avoid stay in hot moisture place for long, avoid 流汗过多, clean body often.

don't wear jeans or thin cloth. Try lose, and 透气pants, keep body area dry.

脱发:washing hair more often. Avoid eating 辛油 food.
  1. 黑芝麻(15g), 枸芑(12 g),rice (50g) 粥.daily
  2. 何首乌,熟地黄,黄精,女贞子当归,养肝肾,补精血.

How to wash face

  1. wet the facial towle with hot water(a bit hot to touch), cover face, gentlly press on for 30 sec.
  2. A teaspoon salt on palm, melt it with hot water, apply to face all over (except eye area), gently massage the face with circular movement. 30 sec later rinse with water.
  3. Pat on with 化妆水 all over the face, 100 times patting
  4. apply serum
  5. apply lotion.
During cold weather, apply cool water over the face to shrink the pole, while in summer time apply ice after hot water wash. For beginner, start with milder cold water, move on gradually. If skin is a thin type, ice/cold water are not recommended, instead use pole minimizing 化妆水 or cold 化妆水.

Women Physical (40-64)

  1. PAP Test: If tested normal for consecutive 3 years, test every 2-3 years.
  2. Mammography: every 1-2 years (40+), every year (50+)
  3. Lipid Profile (every 5 year 45+)
  4. Colorectal cancer screen (every 5 years 50+)
  5. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (every 5 years 50+)
  6. Fasting Glucose test (every 3 years, 54+)


  1. 白罗卜汤.(白罗卜:辛,凉,甘:化痰消积,黄豆牙,碗豆苗)
  2. 波菜银耳(滋阴润燥,软血管)
  3. 豆芽豆付汤:先炒豆牙.
  4. 苦瓜猪肉(清热解毒,缺暑,名目)
  5. 波菜猪肝(养血)

Benefits Program

Montgomery County

  1. Income Support Services: 1301 Piccard Dr. Rockville, MD 20850 (240)-777-4600)
  2. Medical Assistance for Aliens: for emergency aliens
  3. Medicare Beneficiary Program: Special Low Income Medicare Beneficiary Program(SLMB), Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Program (QMB)
  1. metro senior ID card 202 637-7000, 240-777-1245
  2. Metro disabled ID card
Federal Government
  1. Food stamp
  2. Temporary Disability Assistance
  3. Disability, Entitlement, Acvocacy Program (DEAP)
  1. Medicaid
  2. Primary Adult Care Program: low income, unqualified medicare audlts( 1800-226-2124 xPAC for forms or 1888-754-0095 for info


  1. 腹部:好吃,不动,吃完就坐,怀孕.
  2. 臀:长坐不动.
  3. 大小腿:不动,爱吃甜食.
Office exercise:


  1. Lotion right before the foundation
  2. foundation first then spot cover-up
  3. 化装和防晒后要卸装. 宜轻轻打圈按磨. 眼唇处特别小心.
  4. use sun protection even indoor, window can only block UVB, and can not doing anything about UVA and computer screen emitted UVA. Use SPF and PA sunscreen.

Beautiful Skin

  1. 用果酸类(AHA,BHA),胶元类. 避免酒精或甘油.
  2. 喷雾化妆水,而不是矿泉水有保湿用
  3. 保湿 Hyaluronic Acid
  1. 不吃:,九层塔芹菜,香菜(吸光剂).胡萝卜,木瓜(变黄).酱油,咖啡,黑醋.
  2. 吃:杏仁(每天),珍珠粉(早晚),Vitamin C(胶囊,或水溶,早晚),豆浆(喝一杯打了生鸡蛋的豆浆),鲜奶.
  1. 果酸类(AHA,BHA), 因可去死皮.
  1. Vitamine A,

  1. 防晒. use sun protection even indoor, window can only block UVB, and can not doing anything about UVA and computer screen emitted UVA. Use SPF and PA sunscreen.
  2. Avoid sun as much as possible, because even with sunscreen is not adequate. Sunscreen by theory has to be applied every 2 hours.
  3. Eat tomato. better eat with potato or carrot, help with prevent UV. Watermelon. Vitamin C can help to slow the spot growth. Vitamin E, A and Calcuim are also helpful.
  4. 抗皱,找有Argireline™ & Matrixyl 3000™ 成份的。
  1. 无香精, 成分简单,效果单一的.
  1. warm water first, use cool water rinse.

Healthy way to drink water

Sign of water deprivation: 1.dry skin, 2. dull nail, hair

How much water per day? 35-40 ml/Kg weight for adult. More in summer, less in winter. More in dry air environment. More water for breast feeding women. More water after a full meal, or fever.

How to drink water?
  1. best temperature: 18-45 C. People with "cold energy"or "cold body" should not drink cold water.
  2. Don't drink water right after meal. A couple of sips once in a while during the meal is OK.
  3. 15-40 minutes before the meal is the best time, because it take 10 minutes for water to get to small intestines and absorbed there.

Friday, March 20, 2009


1.后伸较力:倆手手指交叉置于脑后,手臂用力向前, 颈部用力向后, 头手较劲.
2.侧方较力:一手掌置于侧面, 手臂与颈用力较劲,作等长收缩.


注意: 此运动要缓慢进行,颈椎病发病期不做. 如果锻炼后症状加重,应减少幅度或强度.