Be sure to ask this casually. Your body language and facial expression are also important. If the person feels like you’re putting pressure on them to say that they’re free, they may feel uncomfortable.
“The weekend” in English usually includes Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday.
So they might respond like this:
“I’m going out with my friends on Friday and shopping on Sunday, but I’m not doing anything on Saturday.”
“Not doing anything on Saturday” is a neutral version of saying “I’m free on Saturday”. Saying “I’m free on Saturday” signals to the other person that you would be actively open to doing something with them then, so be careful if you’re answering this question.
Here’s your chance to ask the person if they want to go to a movie, for example. Instead of asking directly, say:
“I was thinking of going to see that new movie on Saturday. Do you feel like coming along?”
“Do you feel like?” is a more indirect way of asking “Do you want to?”
How can you respond to an invitation like this?
If you want to go, then you can say:
“Sure! That sounds great.”
And then you can follow this up with:
“What time and where?”
This is a very useful phrase for when you want to casually ask about time and place, so I would memorise it!
However, what do you do if you want to refuse an invitation like this without hurting the person’s feelings?
Well, instead of saying “no” straight out, it’s best to say that you’re “not sure”. First of all though, say something like:
“That sounds really fun, but...”
Then add:
“I’m not sure if I can. Let’s catch up another time soon though!”
Even if this isn’t strictly true, it is a more polite way to refuse an invitation than a flat-out “no”.
Now it’s time for Gina’s Tips!
In this lesson, we took care not to be too forward when asking someone to do something, but of course this all depends on the personality of the person you’re asking. If they’re a friendly, forward person, you don’t have to worry so much about being too direct - just say “Do you wanna see a movie this weekend?” But even in this situation, a good tip is to add in the super-useful word “maybe” to take some pressure off: “Do you maybe wanna see a movie this weekend?”
Dating Culture
Advice D:
You could say: Nothing special planned yet, why, have any ideas?
If he answers with : Hmmm, no, not really, might stay home too,
then you know he didn't mean to ask for a date ;)
Advice C:
From my experience when a guy has asked this he's usually seeing if I'm busy before asking me out. If I say "No, I don't have plans yet", it gives him a green light to ask me out =)
Advice B:
In reality, you'll likely have some errands to run and possibly some free time. Tell as much as you feel comfortable with so he knows you have a life, but convey that you can make time. Then see what comes out of it. I would bet a good amount that he is itching to ask you out. Why else would he care?
If you don't like him, you can say: "None of your business."
If you are moderately interested, you can say: "My plans can wait if you have better suggestions."
If you are bold, you can say: "My plans are to meet you, I'm glad you texted me."
If you are bold and in a hurry, you can say: "My plans are to make coffee Sunday morning. What type of filters does your machine use?"
Advice A:
weekend plans?
Not much of any. I need to clean my home. That's about it. You? Have any plans this weekend?
When a guy asks do have plans this weekend what does that mean?
It means "Please tell me what you are planning to do this weekend."
Is he asking because he wants to get together
or to hear my answer then in return tell me all his plans
Is he asking because he wants to get together or to hear my answer then in return tell me all his plans
Maybe both.
Not looking to text for weeks .
Then why not make plans for the weekend for what you want to do and invite him. If he says anything but "yes," or, "I have plans that day, how about later that afternoon or the next day," like if he says something asinine like "well, I want to sit online and 'get to know you' more," then you move on. It doesn't seem that complicated. | |
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